Pari Writing

Come! be Part of the Rebuilding Mission!

The 1st place of UNITY with our mission is in OUR HEARTS! Our soul which is the resting place of God, is already so aware of how much DIVINE LOVE we must share amongst one another, of how much we must unite to increase the GOOD among our cubs so as to put them on a path of rebuilding and giving to humanity.

The moment your heart feels “YES I MUST HELP REBUILD CUBS” you are already part of THE REBUILDING MISSION! That 1st thought will propel the next action of thinking of what CAN BE DONE FROM WHERE YOU ARE to help rebuild someone who is in dire need of help…

THE REBUILDING MISSION CONNECTS hearts and souls in much prayers. Each time a situation arises that you are unable to do something substantially, you must remember that much more can be done through prayer…

The more there is LOVE, the more there will be prayer. And the more there is prayer, there will be LOVE, which is God’s presence.

We want TO REBUILD FOR PEACE IN LOVE AND TRUTH! Yes, we want peace, love AND TRUTH! We will only be building a HOUSE OF CARDS if we lack any one of the three, a sham centre for evil’s occupation.

As a 1st step, let us begin with much prayers and DO GOOD especially where peace, love and truth are involved.

Thanking you in Christ Jesus,

Parimala Selvaraj