Pari Writing


Guru - “So you did not know in the beginning that we will have a COVID situation when you began TRM, Pari-ma?”

Pari - “No beta… however, storms and shipwrecks are part of any rebuilding process, because that becomes the starting point. We know the physical damage when missiles hit a city or when fire burns a town. We can see with our eyes the result of the havoc from floods…

Vijay - “O I know I know I know… we used to have so much in our slums. All the dirty clothes we kept in bundles would either get washed away or get washed up (HAHAHAHA) O what fun that used to be, we would all run around and splash water over each other…”

Deepa - “For how long will that be fun? Fool! When your stomach starts crying for food after two days then all this laughter will disappear. Stop interrupting, bah!”

Chaaya - “Pari-ma, then TRM will go and repair all that damage?!”

Pari - “Na beta, those were examples I was giving, for the storms and shipwrecks of our lives. Now I don’t want to remind you of your pain, but you see, when we lose a loved one, then the whole family feels rubbled, shattered and torn because the absence of that person will be felt more and there will be so much yearning for…”

Vijay - “O Bhagwaaan, I am feeling so sorry for my Shakthi now… how much we used to be together and do so many things… and then he fell sick… and…”

Chaaya - “Yes I remember him Vij-bhaiya… How sad that was when we met him and you were crying all the time… pleading for a miracle…”

Pari - “Such kind of pain requires an acceptance of it beta… that is what we call a reconciliation, where-in we accept that such a loss occurred and that that loss brought a load of heart-ache and sorrow… but…”

Deepa - “I was rubbled also when I was raped the first time, Pari-ma… at that time, I did not even know what was happening to me but I felt so much pain between my legs and I could not even move… No one came to help and I used to wash myself over and over again and yet feel so dirty. Only to be raped again and threatened not to talk about it…”

Vijay - “Now who is interrupting? Bah!”

Deepa - “Dai!”

Guru - “It is ok Vij… it is ok to talk… let her be…”

Chaaya - “I think I am still rubbled because I am so afraid when I see blood and so much of my…”

Pari - “O my baby-girl… I think we understand that… and such Mama-hugs (hugs) may also not help to repair at the core…”

Guru - “So what you are saying Pari-ma is that TRM is not about the physical rubbling so much as the emotional agony?”

Pari - “Well beta… if you look at the COVID situation, poverty has increased in so many homes. Several small-business-houses have closed because they could not manage the funds. That is also in the physical. However, TRM is more about the spiritual and emotional side to the rebuilding process. Because once the spiritual side has been set in order, then the emotional side will straighten up with better understanding and from there any form of rebuilding is possible…”

Chaaya - “What must we do Pari-ma?”

Pari - “For starters, we must become conscious of the rubbling beta. When anyone watches you in Church or in School, they may hardly know the suffering that each of you have gone through, Na?”

Vijay - “Total chuppi-chuppa-chup haan-ji Pari-ma!”

Deepa - “But we also don’t like being asked about our personal lives na Pari-ma! Why must I talk about my abuse with anyone or make that my School’s Newspaper-headlines? NO way!”

Pari - “Na beta… When we have reconciled to The Truth of our rubbling, then we will have risen over it… ascended over it. So then, our painful experiences will become a testimonial of how we have risen and not how we have been suffering. When reconciliation of an abuse is done with God, before God as each of you have been taught by Marie-ma and Joe-pa so wonderfully, the process opens your inner-eyes, your spiritual-eyes. You will then no longer see your experience as a sadness but as a learning-point, a lesson that requires to be shared with those also suffering like you… na beta?

Guru - “What you are saying is that we must become conscious of another’s suffering, na Pari-ma?”

Vijay - “I have seen so-much so-much suffering that I feel like I am Jesus Christ (hahahaha)”

Deepa - “Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain!”

Chaaya - “Actually he is right Deep-di… because my Catechism-Teacher told me that when we carry other’s cross then we become like Jesus and help to bring salvation from suffering...”

Pari - “Seeing another’s suffering is like watching a movie na beta? But yes, carrying that suffering to help bring relief, even if a little, will bring in the salvation. When Shakthi was going through illness, Vijay became his real Shakthi, na? Vijay was carrying Shakthi and was running from one place to another to get him help na? Did he stop there? No!”

Vijay - “O Pari-ma I cried to God and even shouted at him!”

Deepa - “So you are saying that we must become conscious without knowing any information about a suffering person Pari-ma?”

Guru - “I think we will get to know as we speak a little, when we sense that someone is carrying a cross…”

Chaaya - “But I don’t want to speak to everyone about their pain and suffering… they may not want to share and it will be so… prying… na Pari-ma?”

Pari - “That is why we pray beta. When we sense someone is suffering, we pray for them first. And we approach them holding God’s Hand, not on our own, but only with God and when God tells us to… Sometimes we don’t even have to ask or say anything about the problem or abuse… We just pray and wait…”

Guru - “So TRM is more about prayers and waiting to rebuild, Pari-ma?”

Pari - “Beta, TRM, as in The Rebuilding Mission also means RECONCILE, RESTORE, REBUILD and we do all this in The Truth, with God, for love and peace, again for God’s plan and for God’s glory. So we continue with much prayers for all those suffering, regardless of whether we know them or not. And whenever God gives us a chance to help a person, then we must aid them with the reconciliation process. It is only after they have accepted their state as being a rubbled-state that they will seek rebuilding and for which again, the 1st step will always be a restoration process, as in immediate and urgent repairs just so that their lives can begin running, as in, for them to stand-up from lying down in the rubble, for them to move about as alive-beings… and it is from here that we will have to rebuild following the codes of God, which means, taking only that which is right and leaving out all that which had gone wrong… or that which had resulted in the rubbling…”

Guru - “So you are saying that if TRM was earlier looking at rebuilding lives from family problems, poverty of some kind, divisions or no-peace situations among nations, climatic loss etc, then the COVID situation today, emphasis RECONCILE, RESTORE, REBUILD, in a more concrete way for many more suffering, na Pari-ma?”

Vijay - “Chakka-chak! Perfect Guru-bhaiya!”

Pari - “Yes beta… We have to extend the same process but for many more at the same time and with a rapid-pace into restoration…”