Psalm 78: 2-4
I will speak in parables, I will talk of old mysteries
which we have heard and known, which our ancestors have told us.
We will not keep them hidden from our children; we will announce them to the coming generation: the glorious deeds of the Lord, his might and the wonders he has done.
My late Mama would give us simple yellow-postcards that did not cost much even for the poorest of the poor to communicate with one another, some four decades ago. She would insist that we let our grand-parents know how we are faring in our exams, class-tests, sports, etc. Between my younger sister and I, it became a practise that I would write those letters…
My loving family would tease me saying that when I wrote, I would write from tip-tip, starting with a tiny cross in the middle of the top-line of the postcard right up to the last-line possible on the back, leaving no space anywhere… Yes, my late Mama began a writing process in my life and that special grace only turned out to be like the ‘miracle of the multiplication of loaves.’ A mighty big THANKS to our God for making it possible…
It was much later, while working in IBM and after my divorce, that I ‘wanted to become a writer’ of some kind… And since I was experiencing a rejuvenation of my faith in God, I felt drawn into writing as much relating to the wonders of God. When I left corporate-life and began working full-time for my mission, I began writing for various Church related activities but without my name… It was a kind of dedication of a gift, an offering, that in any case belonged to God…
I have yet to publish any book, which I hope to someday though… Am certain that that calling will be fulfilled in God’s time, hopefully at the earliest…
From the starting point of time, the need to communicate has always been prime among us humans. God Who wishes to be with us forever, truly enjoys a great conversation… And it is from such, that the idea of sharing thought adds new meaning and dimension to a relationship… It is from such sharing that God’s Holy Spirit of love, joy, peace, hope and all else goodness, takes form. When they become actions, then a networking of the good builds up and it is this unseen realm that helps also to alleviate an invisible famine that comes out of darkness. Indeed, God’s own light becomes a rebuilding mechanism for those buried in the darkness of a rubbled life…