We sing and dance as we work because we are a joyful people praising God for ALL that HE has provided and protected for us... O we have much to thank God for, especially for HIS relentless watchfulness over us, for HIS pursuing us in faithfulness to ensure that we complete what HE has planned for us with utmost perfection as is possible... O we have many reasons to thank and praise God, to adore and glorify HIM, Na? :) Come let us clap our hands and shake ourselves in song and dance YAYAYAYAYAY :)
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"No Daddy's Girl"
These are rough extracts, from the IT-Graam stories… This section speaks of the part where Christina Thambi visits Marie-ma and Joe-pa at Ashirvan…
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Pigli – no dignity
This is also an IT-Graam special, that of Pigli the scum-dog and her scum-cubs… They are each special, very unique, yet so universal in character…
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Sometimes the codes for RIGHT LIVING can be so simple and easy to follow. This psalm has a beautiful capsule of what is required from us to please our God…
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Sirach 51
This part of The Word of God offers amazing consolation and surging energy, especially AFTER we’ve been trashed and ruined “by the world that hates us and our works” most of the time… True consolation and wholesome healing comes from God alone because ONLY HE KNOWS where we hurt inside and out.
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The Transitioning Mother
This is a poem I wrote long time ago describing somewhat my mission of being TRANSITION MOTHER for our cubs… Being a spiritual and emotional Mama for cubs opens the counts! YAYAYAYAY 😊 There are no NUMBERS to them cubs who will come and go, as their situation pleases this mission.
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The 1st place of UNITY with our mission is in OUR HEARTS! Our soul which is the resting place of God, is already so aware of how much DIVINE LOVE
we must share amongst one another,..
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