Welcome to The Rebuilding Mission
How many among us are in a rubbled state? How many know some others who may not like to be in such a situation? Well, each of us who are rubbled in some way, become part of THE REBUILDING MISSION.
We are each connected and networked by God to HIS DIVINE SELF in some form. There is not one of us who can live in isolation! We are most definitely ONE FAMILY in the spiritual and emotional realms, however we may sometimes also be interlocked in the physical. It is this ONEness that binds us together as ONE PEOPLE!
Some will say, that the money we exchange is the one that binds us (OUCH!) 😊 Some will say that business interactions bring us together… While some others will say that Family Life – yes, marriage and separation – help us talk with one another…
Well, we are here because we are either happy or hurt in some way… and may need renovating, repairing, rebuilding so as to help in “making ALL things ANEW” along God’s plans and purpose. Our God is THE ONE Who transforms everything for our GOOD! Our God is THE ONE IN CONTROL of the construction and the destruction, the making and the breaking – of all that which feels right for HIM!
However, the responsibility of our choices which God has bestowed on each of us, may not have always been in it’s sound and sturdy state, in the way God wanted it, because of our human weaknesses and strengths. It is at these times, that we can fail and fall into pits of darkness, where we should NEVER BE in the first place, ideally speaking…
At THE REBUILDING MISSION, we welcome you to a time of thinking and transforming, not just yourselves, but those who you may find the need for it… NOPE, I am NOT professing or attesting the TOTAL KNOW-IT-ALL hype of myself or of the wholesome humane, NOT AT ALL! Yet, because of God’s LOVE and through HIS Divine Calling, I hope to be of some help to anyone who wishes to RISE OUT of the pit of darkness they’ve found themselves in…
Come! Enjoy yourselves… Well, there may not always be very nice things to read in here, we shall take this completely by the grace of God, along HIS path of LOVE for HIS cubs and for their rebuilding…
Much prayers continue for everyone dear people,
With love in Christ Jesus,